Festa Figolli!

Festa Figolli!

...cause each one of us has a sweet tooth!

-April 2018 

Easter in Malta is a busy one with various events happening around towns and villages every year throughout the day. Aware of this strong and long relationship that exists between Easter and the Maltese traditions, our Company has started its own Easter tradition too. We launched a first for Easter 2018 and at first glance it looks that it is here to stay with us!In order to feel the sense of Easter even at the place of work, the Yellow management came up with the idea of giving out figolli to each of the staff. This traditional Easter week highlight consists of an almond-based sweet pastry which comes in various shapes and is usually covered with icing or chocolate coating. Apart from distributing a locally-made figolla to each of the staff at Yellow, the management used this occasion to thank the staff for their hard work. Having short and sweet events like this every now and then are frequent at Yellow. It is what keeps us closer together after all!
