Yellow, Discover Local

Yellow staff in action

Adventurous team building events in action

- October 2017

After a well deserved summer break where we literally don’t move a muscle in our body (except for grabbing a cocktail), we always kick-off a new Yellow campaign with a bang! Our way of recharging our batteries is by giving a shock to both mind and body with a fun and energetic team building activity. This team building activity usually serves us to catch up from where we would have left before shutdown and it also serves us to update each other on our downtime whereabouts away from work. If (and only if) we have enough breath left to utter a word!Lately, the start of a new campaign activity has involved quite some physical movement. With the iChallenge - iPad Treasure Hunt we managed to get to know some of the richest historical places around Malta’s Capital. For this particular activity the staff was split in different teams for a good mix and the hunt towards victory involved answering questions and taking photos or videos. Sweating in some original beach games that either involve water, heavy ropes or even carrying your own colleague on your back to claim victory have also made it on Yellow’s fun agenda. Fun and tough as they may be, team building events are very important for our Company. Such events help us to mix more together and give us a proper mental and physical boost to make it to the finish line of another end of campaign. In our team building activities there are no age concerns… it’s just about teaming up!
